Friday, February 27, 2009

He's just not that 'into' you!

OK, so for the last year or so, I've had this great relationship going with this really neat guy! We clicked from the moment we saw each other. It was a very symbiotic relationship. I supported him in his most basic needs and he allowed me to eat well over my daily caloric intake with out consequences. How cool is that! Yes, we were meant for each other, and he is just so darn cute. The late nights together, the way he made me smile, the way I helped him to be such a sharp dresser, oh what a year!
But Mackay is a year old now and it's time to move on and go our ways so to speak. But how do I tell him? How could I let him down gently? I had a plan. I went away for the weekend with Chris and when I came I would ween him. I had "leche cuddle' time planned, an idea I got from my sister Joy, where he could cuddle with me while drinking milk out of a sippy cup.
But when I got back from my weekend away, he didn't even seem to notice anything was missing. He didn't try to nurse at all. All the prep and worry over this transition and he didn't seem to care.
Did I mean nothing to him? Was our relationship nothing to him. As releaved as I was, I felt a bit cast a side. How could he be so heartless and crule. I had given up sleep for him, changed my wardrobe (goodbye dresses) and had adjusted my schedule to be there for him at his beck and call. Maybe this relationship wasn't as symbiotic as I had once thought. Now that I think about it, I did put up with a lot of crap from him. What I really want to do is buy a big box of Krispy Kremes, eat the whole box, and cry watching old movies. But wait, who would burn my calories for me while I walowed? Oh Mackay, Mackay, Mackay!!
At least I have my loving husband who is still there for me, even after having to share our relationship. And I am very confident that he loves me for more than just my body, well mostly confident.


Sharalea said...

Well, you DO have a rockin' body, but I'm SURE he loves all of you (especially your fun personality, witty writing, compassionate attitude, faith-inspiring-life, etc etc etc)

It is sad to make this big change! I'm glad it wasn't hard for Mackay, but I'm sorry you are missing that special time with him. I think I will have a harder time with it than I imagine.

I like the 'leche cuddle' plan...

marlenegetsmail said...

yes, its a change but it will be replaced by something else he needs.Your going to be their when they need you.
Love mom

Linda said...

Jenny! I just found your personal blog, its GREAT! I love the way you share yourself...this post was so clever and funny, the title is so apt! So he doesn't ever look at you and give you that look? I guess he has moved on. You gave him good.

Pack of Robinsons said...

I give her "that look" often enough that Mackay doesn't need to.

Linda said...

oi, your turn.