Wednesday, November 11, 2009

See no English, Hear no English, Speak no English!

I was recently invited to my dear neighbors surprise baby shower. My neighbor Veronica is having a girl. She thought she was through and then this little surprise so I'm very excited for her and willing to help out in any way she needs me. Now if only I spoke Spanish. She doesn't speak English and the shower was at a Hispanic friends house. Only white girl-raise your hand. I tried to fit in and say what little I could. I smiled when they laughed and probably looked like an idiot. I had intended to just drop by with a gift, and then go but a Hispanic shower is a little different. Every woman's whole family came, husbands, children, grandfathers etc. And everyone was dressed to the nines, with lots of jewlery and cleavage. (Shot, I'd left mine at home). The food was amazing so I had to stay for that and then fun shower games. I won one- you must pick up cloths pins in one hand with out dropping them and then say one thing a baby needs and try to get the most. Hum, in Spanish? Leche, Leche ...and Mamma and Papa! They said (through a Teenage daughters translation) that was the first time any one had ever said Mom and Dad. Is that enough to redeem myself? Not after the next game.
"Come up" they motioned and then blindfolded me. Next they put a jar in my hand. Baby food? Stop me if you played this game. Really, stop Me! Am I suposed to eat it? No, teenage translator says. You feed your partner. Some one I can't see and can't understand!
So stop for a moment and imagine the picture. I had to enjoy the humor at this moment and then... we're off! I did my best to feel where I was feeding and be swift in the process. When the spoon clanked at the bottom of the jar, cheering! I undid my blindfold and looked up. My partner had babyfood all over her face and down her white blouse and in her in blouse! Oh My!
!Lo siento! was all I could say.
Lots of fun, next time I'll bring my family!


Sharalea said...

What a party! Thanks for the awesome visual images...and for the late night laugh!! :)

Kristy said...

Been there, done that! Well, except for the baby food feeding. Only been a bystander for that one. They go all out for every party, holiday, etc. It's always a good time, even if it's just people watching. How did the Quinceanera go?