Sunday, September 28, 2008

Spinning around in circles

When I was in college, I remember my roommates remarking to each other that it seemed sometimes that I just spun around in circles and didn't get anywhere. That comment stung and it took me some time to embrace the truth of it. Now I'd like to think of it as getting a 360' view of the world while staying centered in my beliefs. So this blog will openly share my views of the world around me and my beliefs. To my college roommates, where ever you might be: I hope to prove that I'm moving forward instead of just in circles and P.S. Mom says she can't wait to see us at Thanksgiving!

P.P.S. For everyone who comments on this blog today, September 29th I will donate $1 to the Stephanie Nielson fund (up to a limit, after all I'm a cop's wife!). Happy Birthday to my blog and to me!


paynejandj said...

Sorry I didn't make it for dinner. Looking forward to your new blog! -Jason

Molly Bice-Jackson said...

Is today your birthday? Happy birthday to me and my blog? I know, i'm terrible with Jackson family birthdays.

I can't wait for Thanksgiving either.

Robinson Family said...

Happy birthday to YOU and your blog! What a great 'spin' on your roommates comment! Can't wait to read more!!

Kristyn said...

Happy birthday Jen!!! Here's a dolla to the NieNie. I'm looking forward to these posts - they're going to be awesome. I've always loved your thoughts and when you share your opinions, so this is going to be a great way to share them with everyone so us Mesa people don't hog them all!

Wendy said...

Great blog jenny! Happy birthday! I will match each dollar you raise for the Nielson fund. Love you lots!

paynejandj said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I am thrilled with this new blog! I wish Jason could have been there last night so I could live vicariously through him. I have to know about the college roommate comment. Who said it and what was the context it was said in?

I love you! Happy happy happy birthday. My grout is finished in my bathroom now.

Vic said...


Happy 29th Birthday!! As for spinning in circles, I don't recall that comment but I think that anyone who knows you would agree you are a whirlwind - and the great thing is you're always growing and progressing. Now that I think about it, you're like Wonder Woman. Spin around and then POW! Look out. Bad-ass! Yep. Do not mess, cause you are moving and you know how to use your bracelets etc. So my wonder-woman sister, whirling around and becoming something better all the time, Happy Birthday. Love you. Can't wait to hear about your next adventure!


Anonymous said...

Cant wait for the posts on this blog. Happy Birthday again Jenny!

marlenegetsmail said...

I am proud of you. You are a great mother and a credit to you're mother and grandmothers.
I look forward to additional entrys. We'll join Joy in matching the donations. Love Dad

Jenny said...

Thanks to everyone for the comments! And thanks to Dad and Wendy for matching them. $21 for the Nie Nie fund. Hey its a start. Next stop, a wing at a hospital.