Tuesday, October 18, 2011


(Poor kid's neck is so large I don't dare snap the top snap on his outfit!)

Our foster son has physical therapy once a week. Because he was drug exposed his body was really stiff and so milestones that come naturally to most babies are slow for him. Our loving therapist Jill started just by moving his arms. Soon he was reaching out for the toys around him. Then she rolled him back and forth so his body could feel what rolling should feel like. Each time she puts toys around him, above him, in front of him and then makes the lights and sounds flash to encourage him to reach out. Sitting, tummy time, standing are all part of the 'work' he does each week. She runs a tight ship! At times he tolerates all the moving and working, but towards the end he is just down right cranky.

"To much movement, to much stretching! I want to be left alone." He seems to say.

And I reflect on how something so easy for so many is so challenging for him. I saw a program on therapy for returning vets, especially those with head trauma. They had to relearn to do such simple things like eat, tie their shoes and eventually grocery shop (OK that last one can be tricky, but you get the idea). Men and woman who once commanded soldiers into battle now start over again in humble baby steps. I also think about my Brother and Sister-In-Law who are relearning to enjoy life after their daughter died, and another family member who is learning to trust God and try His plan for them.
Keep working guys! Rolling over may be hard but the toys are worth it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Do you remember the feeling you got when you got your drivers license? I remember a little fluttering feeling deep down, an excitement with the knowledge that I could go ANYWHERE and do ANYTHING. Well, almost. But it was so exhilarating and free. The whole world was open to me.
Fast forward 20 years
My oldest son turned 12 this month and is a very capable babysitter. He loves the responsibility and is very diplomatic with his siblings when he's in charge. The other night, on what should have been my husband and my date night,my husband got called in to the Police Station for some PR work with the Town Council. He called me to join him. Since half the children were in bed asleep and my very capable 12 yr old was more than willing to stay up and babysit, I went.
Maybe it was because of the early 90's tune playing on the radio or the fact that I was in the car by myself. But I suddenly had that little fluttering feeling again. I had the freedom to go anywhere and do anything, almost. I was so excited with the possibilities opening up to me, I could hardly contain myself! So, there is light at the end of that long, noisy, sometimes very messy tunnel, and I'm here to tell you... it's exciting to see again.