Sunday, September 28, 2008

Spinning around in circles

When I was in college, I remember my roommates remarking to each other that it seemed sometimes that I just spun around in circles and didn't get anywhere. That comment stung and it took me some time to embrace the truth of it. Now I'd like to think of it as getting a 360' view of the world while staying centered in my beliefs. So this blog will openly share my views of the world around me and my beliefs. To my college roommates, where ever you might be: I hope to prove that I'm moving forward instead of just in circles and P.S. Mom says she can't wait to see us at Thanksgiving!

P.P.S. For everyone who comments on this blog today, September 29th I will donate $1 to the Stephanie Nielson fund (up to a limit, after all I'm a cop's wife!). Happy Birthday to my blog and to me!